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Various sources


Miscellaneous comments about Carey

and his music in general, taken from reviews and elsewhere

…beautifully crafted works of art, complete in themselves despite their brevity…

A fellow composer, speaking of his pieces written for recorded music libraries

…fondly remembered as an exceptional teacher … took an interest in my work beyond my other tutors … can clearly remember [his] gentle demeanor and sincerity as well as his encouragement … Carey was unforgettable…

James Shuster, one-time student of Carey’s at The Guildhall

I find Carey Blyton’s music irresistible.

Brian Hick, Musical Opinion

General Review of Concert

…Such forbidding words as ‘passacaglia’ and ‘ostinato’ came into the commentary, but nothing could have been less forbidding than the music itself, which always sounded fresh and spontaneous and easy (with much of the art which conceals art) and fell gratefully on the ear. Clearly, Mr Blyton has a melodic gift. Also a sense of humour.

The Croydon Advertiser, 15th October 1964

…cries out for revaluation as a genuine 20th Century musical maverick…

EPTA Journal, 1996

Carey Blyton was highly regarded and popular with generations of Open University students attending the Arts Foundation summer schools held at Westfield College, Hampstead, in the 1980s […] His company was always delightful, amusing and infectious, and sometimes naughty. He created happy occasions for everyone.

Frank Hakney, The Times, 24th July 2002

The music speaks of a salubrious and dignified creative imagination. Carey Blyton knew music’s art and craftsman’s measure and wrote nothing ugly or dull or at odds with art or craft.

Rob Barnett, MusicWeb International, December 2016